Breast Augmentation for Perkier Breasts

Are you bothered by your small breasts which are already fully developed? If so, breast augmentation or augmentation mammaplasty could be helpful for you. This is the surgical increment of breasts with implants. Implants are bags filled with silicone gel or sterilized saline liquid which are surgically placed above or below the chest muscle to add perkiness on the upper breast area and create a youthful looking cleavage. Fat from your own body can also be used to augment breasts through injection which is less invasive. Augmentation mammaplasty can be done with a breast lift if you have saggy breasts. You need a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Bloch to perform your breast augmentation procedure. You can book an appointment with the surgeon at to know if you qualify for breast implant placement.

Breast implants: expectations vs. reality

Breast augmentation — breast implant surgery — is the top cosmetic surgery performed today, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. A total of 347,524 women had the surgery in 2007. It’s a major step for most women, and often a positive one. Studies have shown that breast implants can help boost self-esteem, body image, and sexual satisfaction.

Breast augmentation procedure

On the day of your breast augmentation, your plastic surgeon will mark out the incisions areas used to pass the implant. This could be under your natural breast crease, around the areola, or under your arm. Dr. Bloch chooses inconspicuous areas to minimize scarring. The incision location will however depend on the type of implant, cup size and your body anatomy. The implant is then laid in a pocket made either above your pectoral muscle or below it. The incision wound is then closed with sutures or stitches. Drains which are temporary tubes will be inserted around your incision sites to remove excess blood and fluid. Your breasts will then be dressed with gauze. Your doctor may instruct you to wear a compression garment or surgical bra to promote healing.

Risks of breast implants

Some of the complications and adverse outcomes of breast implants include:

Life after breast augmentation

You need help at home after augmentation mammaplasty. You will be able to use the bathroom and your doctor will advise you to take short walks to reduce swelling or blood clots in your legs. You will also be instructed on how to sleep and how to care for your surgical site. Drains and bandages are removed after 2 days. Stitches are normally removed within 7 days. Prescribed medications like antibiotics and pain killers are useful. The pain medication relieve should however not tempt you to do any strenuous activities until after about 6 weeks. You can however resume your work if it involves light tasks after 4 weeks. Dr. Bloch insists on observing aftercare visits but any complication before the scheduled visit should immediately be reported.

Call Body by Bloch at 1-847-686-3183 to book a consultation.

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