Facelifts for Men

Everyone has a reason to get rid of any severe wrinkles, sagging skin and other signs of aging showing on their face. Surprisingly, the number of men having facelifts and other cosmetic procedures whether surgical or non-surgical is growing faster than expected. If you are a man and want to look more youthful, face lift surgery can help you achieve your goals. However, face lifts for men are more complicated than they are for women. That means you will need to choose a plastic surgeon that is highly skilled and experienced. At www.bodybybloch.com, you can book your consultation with Dr. Bloch. The board certified plastic surgeon in Chicago is an expert with over 30 years of experience.


The purpose of face-lift surgery is to improve the appearance of the face by repositioning the skin and tightening some of the underlying muscle and tissue. The procedure is designed to counter sagging and looseness in skin and muscle tissue that becomes more pronounced as individuals age. Face-lift surgery will not eliminate all facial wrinkles. For example, wrinkles around the mouth and eyes may benefit little from face-lift surgery. Also, additional procedures including blepharoplasty , chemical peel, botox injections, or dermabrasion may be necessary to achieve desired results.

Special Considerations

Since facelifts for men are more difficult than for women, special consideration are key in helping men to realize their desired results. Both the external and internal facial features of men are different from those of women. Men are more vascular as they need more blood supply for the extra nutrition required by their beards and other reasons. Men can have their facelift surgical incisions made inside the hairline and inside the curvatures of their ears, but removal of hair follicles in front of the ears is necessary. If that is not done, the hair bearing skin pulled back towards the incision can have hair growing on the tragus or even behind the ear. An alternative surgical technique is to make the incision in front of the ears leaving a non-hair growing skin in-between. It takes more skill and experience to do that without leaving behind bad visible scars. After closing the incision, drains may be used and compression dressings applied.

Possible risks and complications

The facial skin in men being more vascular and high blood pressure more likely to occur in men usually increases the risk of postoperative hematoma. That is why drains and compressions dressings must be used much longer. The facial skin in men is thicker and that does help make prolonged bruising a lesser factor. Dr. Bloch as an experienced plastic surgeon uses surgical techniques to optimize face lift surgery results in men while taking the best measures to minimize possible risks and complications.

Facelift results will be long-lasting

It may take several months for swelling to fully dissipate and up to 6 months for incision lines to mature.

Life-long sun protection will help to maintain your rejuvenated appearance by minimizing photo-aging or sun damage. In addition, a healthy lifestyle will also help extend the results of your rejuvenated, more youthful appearance.

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